On 30 May 2024, the European Commission issued a Communication addressed to the European Council regarding force majeure and exceptional circumstances provided by the Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the financing, management and monitoring of the common agricultural policy.
On the 16th of November 2023, the European Commission published the Delegated Regulations modifying, starting from January 1, 2024, the threshold values applicable within public procurement procedures.
Dragomir & Asociatii Law Firm team coordinated by Alina Lefter Partner and Irinel Burian Managing associate, represented an important public authority in complex litigations, in the field of administrative litigation, having as object the partial annulment of the decisions approving the General Urban Plan (PUG) of Bucharest and ordering the municipality to re-classify the land so that the plaintiffs could benefit from the right to build.

RO: O nouă soluție favorabilă obținută de echipa cabinetului de avocatura Dragomir & Asociatii într-un dosar complex, cu hotărâri relevante privind exproprierea de utilitate publică

RO: La data de 10.04.2023, Legea Contenciosului Administrativ a fost modificată prin Legea 84/2023.
Theoretical and practical aspects regarding the suspension of the execution of the unilateral administrative act pursuant to art. 15 of Law no. 554/2004 of the administrative litigation.
https://www.juridice.ro/691648/aspecte-teoretice-si-practice-privind-suspendarea-executarii-actului-administrativ-unilateral-in-temeiul-art-15-din-legea-nr-554-2004-a-contenciosului-administrativ.htmlRO: Aspecte teoretice și practice privind suspendarea executării actului administrativ unilateral în temeiul art. 15 din Legea nr. 554/2004 a contenciosului administrativ.
Human trafficking and migrant smuggling – the most extreme forms of cross-border organized crime
https://www.juridice.ro/643836/traficul-de-persoane-si-traficul-de-migranti-cele-mai-extinse-forme-de-crima-organizata-transfrontaliera.htmlRO: Traficul de persoane și traficul de migranți – cele mai extinse forme de crimă organizată transfrontalieră